About Us
Incorporated in December 2019, Save RGV is a non-profit corporation organized for educational and environmental advocacy to promote environmental justice and sustainability through addressing the causes and consequences of climate change that affect the health and well-being of the entire Rio Grande Valley community. Our methods include, but are not limited to, promoting the use and development of renewable energy, opposing polluting industries such as LNG terminals, pipelines and other fossil fuel development, monitoring and preserving wildlife habitat, protecting air quality, researching and publishing information to increase public awareness and understanding, reviewing and commenting on projects to appropriate regulatory agencies, and participating in common law or statutory based litigation to further these aims.
How It All Got Started
Upon hearing about LNG projects proposed at the Port of Brownsville in 2014, a handful of citizens from McAllen to Brownsville met to learn more about what was being proposed. After lots of research and discovering the consequences of what LNG industrialization would mean for the RGV, outreach and educational events began to take place. Support grew quickly and people organized to form Save RGV From LNG. Over the years, organizations have supported our efforts and have collaborated to create resources, informational documents, and training to help our cause of defending the RGV from LNG industrialization. As outreach continued, coalitions formed between the Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, Not Here, Not
Anywhere, Friends of the Earth France, and the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe. Other significant work has been with Earthworks, Backbone Campaign, Defenders of Wildlife, and with many local organizations. Our members and supporters are a diverse group of extraordinary people living everyday lives, giving their time, when they can, for a better future for the RGV.
The Board of directors consists of 5, 7 or 9 individuals who serve 1 year terms. The Board will select (by majority vote) its directors from among all active supporters who wish to serve. The primary responsibility of the Board members are:
1. Select a Secretary, a Treasurer, and other officers as it so chooses.
2. Write and approve applications for grants to further the work of the organization, and oversee any grants received.
3. Approve or terminate representation by any attorney(s) or law firm.
4. Approve organizational involvement in any new project on issue, or election campaign endorsements.
5. Approve expenditure or reimbursement for organization expenses of more than $100.
6. Unless a specific director has been appointed, any director may speak for the organization.
7. Any director may be removed by majority vote of the Board.
8. Establish and maintain a public presence.
9. Convene meetings.
Board terms are 1 year. Board members are elected by the Board in January annually.